1 ## 0x01 AWVS_cmdlines
Acunetix WVS Console Application (c) Acunetix Ltd.
>> USAGE: wvs_console /Scan [URL] OR /Crawl [URL] OR /ScanFromCrawl [FILE]
/Scan [URL] : Scan specified URL //扫描指定的URL
/Crawl [URL] : Crawl specified URL //爬行指定的URL
/ScanFromCrawl [FILE] : Scan from crawling results //扫描爬行的结果
/ScanWSDL [WSDL URL] : Scan web services from WSDL URL //扫描来自WSDL的参数URL
/Profile [PROFILE_NAME] : Use specified scanning profile during scanning //使用指定的扫描配置进行扫描
/Settings [FILE] : Use specified settings template during scanning //使用指定的设置模板进行扫描
/LoginSeq [FILE] : Use specified login sequence //使用指定的登录序列
/Import [FILE(s)] : Import files during crawl //导入检索的地址进行爬行
/Run [command line] : Run this command during crawl //爬行时运行这个命令
/Selenium [FILE] : Execute selenium script during crawl //执行selenium脚本进行爬行
/Save : Save scan results //保存结果
/SaveFolder [DIR] : Specify the folder were all the saved data will be stored //保存记录的目录
/GenerateZIP : Compress all the saved data into a zip file //对所有的数据进行zip压缩
/ExportXML : Exports results as XML //将结果以XML方式导出
/ExportAVDL : Exports results as AVDL //将结果以AVDL方式导出
/SavetoDatabase : Save alerts to the database //把警告数据保存进数据库
/SaveLogs : Save scan logs //保存扫描日志
/SaveCrawlerData : Save crawler data (.CWL file) //保存爬行数据
/GenerateReport : Generate a report after the scan was completed //扫描完成后生成报告
/ReportFormat [FORMAT] : Generated report format (REP, PDF, RTF, HTML) //生成报告的格式
/ReportTemplate [TEMPLATE]: Specify the report template //特定的报告模板
/Timestamps : Print current timestamp with each line. //打印每行的时间戳
/SendEmail : Send email notification when scan is completed, using scheduler settings. //扫描结束后发送电子邮件
/EmailAddress [EMAIL] : Send email notification to this email address, override scheduler settings. //邮件地址,会把之前设置的给覆盖掉
/Verbose : Enable verbose mode //开启细节模式。也就是发送的具体参数
/Password : Application password (if required) //如果有,需要写入密码
/? : Show this help screen //帮助信息
>> OPTIONS [ ? = TRUE or FALSE ] //选项 =true 或者是=false
--GetFirstOnly=? : Get only the first URL //仅仅获取第一个url
--RestrictToBaseFolder=? : Do not fetch anything above start folder //不扫描当前目录以上的其他目录(扫描二级目录有效)
--FetchSubdirs=? : Fetch files bellow base folder //获取子目录
--ForceFetchDirindex=? : Fetch directory indexes even if not linked //扫描目录,即使该目录不再链接里面(就是目录匹配)
--RobotsTxt=? : Retrieve and process robots.txt //从robots.txt里面获取目录进行爬行
--CaseInsensitivePaths=? : Use case insensitive paths //不区分路径的大小写
--UseWebKit=? : Use WebKit based browser for discovery //使用基于WebKit的浏览器
--ScanningMode=* : Scanning mode (* = Quick, Heuristic, Extensive) //扫描模式(快速、启发式、广泛的)
--ManipHTTPHeaders=? : Manipulate HTTP headers //http头可以修改(可以修改http头进行提交)
--UseAcuSensor=? : Use AcuSensor technology //使用AcuSensor技术
--EnablePortScanning=? : Enable port scanning //启用端口扫描
--UseSensorDataFromCrawl=*: Use sensor data from crawl(* = Yes, No, Revalidate) //抓取fuzz提交的数据( = 是,否,重新验证)
--HtmlAuthUser=? : Username for HTML based authentication //基于HTTP认证的用户名
--HtmlAuthPass=? : Password for HTML based authentication //基于HTTP认证的密码
--ToolTimeout=? : Timeout for testing tool in seconds //设置提交的超时时间
wvs_console /Scan /SaveFolder c:\temp\scanResults\ /Save
wvs_console /ScanWSDL http://test/WS.asmx?WSDL /Profile ws_default /Save
wvs_console /Scan /Profile default /Save --UseWebKit=false --ScanningMode=Heuristic
