[安全建设] - CI/CD Loop

系列 - Information Security
CI/CD Loop !!
A typical CI/CD pipeline has several connected stages:
1. Developer commits code changes to source control
2. CI server detects changes and triggers build
3. Code is compiled, tested (unit, integration tests)
4. Test results reported to developer
5. On success, artifacts are deployed to staging environments
6. Further testing may be done on staging before release
7. CD system deploys approved changes to production
典型的 CI/CD 管道有几个相连的阶段:
1. 开发人员将代码更改提交到源代码管理
2. CI服务器检测变化并触发构建
3. 代码编译、测试(单元、集成测试)
4. 向开发人员报告测试结果
5. 成功后,工件将部署到临时环境
6. 发布前可能会在暂存阶段进行进一步测试
7. CD 系统将批准的变更部署到生产中
